August 31, 2009

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Random Quote

To attack effects rather than causes, and as long as the attack is on effects only, then no change is possible.

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August 27, 2009

Random Quote from Beverly Sills on Shortcuts

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

Beverly Sills 

Are you looking for shortcuts or paying the full price of success?

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August 26, 2009

Earl Nightingale The Strangest Secret Video

Earl Nightingale's The Strangest Secret 1950's Recording

This informational and inspirational video is from one of the "founding fathers" to the entire modern day personal development industry. If you have not heard of Earl Nightingale you probably just haven't been into personal development for very long yet. And if you haven't seen this short video clip, watch it now!

Even though the idea and catchphrase "secret" is so heavily bastardized, eventually I think most successful people come to realize the keys to success (success in both your business and your life) are secrets in some respect. 

I say that only because people insist on looking for secrets so they inevitably overlook the basics. And it doesn't matter what you do in life - without a mastery of the fundamentals - the basics - you simply can't be world class in anything.

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August 25, 2009

Tony Robbins Interview with Frank Kern and John Reese Video

I just saw this video from Tony Robbins interviewing two people, Frank Kern and John Reese, about what makes some people successful and puts them past that "sticking point." For example, they talk about some people who take a step towards a better life and then BAM! it's like they hit a brick wall. This happens to so many people!

What Tony says contributes to this is a persons belief in their potential and the certainty they feel about their actions. Definitely watch this video if you're interested or you feel like maybe you have been caught in a sticking point.

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August 24, 2009

Anthony Robbins Should and Shoulds All Over Ourselves!

I was recently listening to the esteemed and incredibly energetic Anthony (Tony) Robbins, and he said something both amusing, funny, and insightful. It's rare that you get all 3 at once from my experience. With that in mind, it's probably a strong reason as to why I remembered, and you will too, so well.

What he said was that people don't get their "shoulds". A lot (or all) of us say we "should do this" or we "should do that" but the truth of the matter is that we don't usually, if ever, achieve our shoulds. In his words, "we should all over ourselves!" Hah!

But as humorous as it is, how true is that for you? Take some time to think about it. Personally, I can't think of any should's I have completed. Rather, we get our needs, our must haves, or must do's. I can easily recall some of those that are done.

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August 21, 2009

Focus on the day - A Motivational Quote on Time Management

If you don't focus on a day then you're going to waste a day of your life.

I don't remember where I heard this from, but I found a note of it just now. Perhaps you know?

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August 12, 2009

Excerpts from Radical Honesty by Brad Blanton

I started reading the book Radical Honesty by Brad Blanton just a day or two ago. I feel compelled to share a couple excerpts from the book that struck me as profound and truthful:

"A few of us occasionally escape the bullshit jail of the mind. Most of us die in jail. All of us have the magnificent possibility of getting beyond the jail of our own minds, over and over again. The first step to this process is to doubt our minds. The truth turns to bullshit in the human mind just like food turns to excrement in the human body."
Here is another good thought:

To be whole, we must recontact the being we are and were and evermore shall be until the end of each of our times. That being is the creator being—the background hum that keeps us cooking, the basic circuit board, the baseline buzz. The cognitive faculties of the mind are a secondary development for steering, not the primary driving force of life. Minds are developed and lead us away from the experi-ence of being, and religious practices were developed to get us back to it. All religions were developed to help us get back home to the hum we started with.

Meditation, sitting quietly until the mind settles down, brings a sense of wholeness. I believe the primary value of meditation is that, while meditating, we reunify the memory of our first sense of being with our current breathing, heart-beating, sensate, present-tense experience of being. Being a living being, "knowing" in our bones that we have been being for some time, is the heart of who each of us is. We are beings alive behind the mask of personality.

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