About This Personal Development Blog

"There is nothing training cannot do. Nothing is above its reach. It can turn bad morals to good; it can destroy bad principles and recreate good ones; it can lift men to angelship."
    Mark Twain
About This Personal Developement Blog

How This Blog Started

Well, this personal development blog didn't start out that way. It was more of a personal development journal -- my own journal. Quite frankly, I was not even sure what a blog even was at this point! I liked how easy it was for me to record notes.

Sometime around September to November of 2008 I got started on my personal development journey. I didn't set out to do anything particular, but I just wanted to find out more about myself. I wanted to know what made me tick. I wanted answers to questions I had about my life. And most importantly, I wanted to find out just what this elusive word "happiness" really entails. In short, I wanted to know what makes life meaningful and how I could be happier.

At first I listened to audio books. I think the very first one was something by Steven R. Covey, author of the famed 7 Habits. Then I picked up some books that are known to be popular, and that I had heard about for a long time without bothering to read. At this point I didn't really appreciate the magnitude of the self help or personal development industry. I knew it existed, of course, but I simply started exposing myself to books we probably all heard about just from living (e.g. How to Win Friends and Influence People, The 7 Habits, Think and Grow Rich).

How It Evolved

Like the good student I am (read: "Like the good student I try to be"), I took notes and reviewed them occasionally. This is what brings us to this personal development blog. As I mentioned earlier this blog was really just a journal, and I used it to write my thoughts about what inspired me that day or as I listened to it. It was really just for myself and I would come to this site and look at quotes or book excerpts that inspired me or really resonated with me in the past. Personal development, like anything you wish to become good at is largely a lot of repetition.

I studied a lot of psychology in high school and opted to take psychology courses whenever I could in college. I was a pre-professional/health major with very little leeway in between what I wanted to take and what I had to take. But I digress...

Where It's Going

Since that time, I have extended this self improvement blog into both a teaching tool as well as my own personal growth vehicle. Many wise people have stated that the best way to really learn and comprehend an idea is to teach it to others. Not only do the pupils get better, but the teacher grows, hones their skills, and improves as well. That's a philosophy that's easy to buy into once you've ever had to teach something. And with that said, as I continue to grow as an individual you'll experience it with me. Hopefully, you'll be inspired enough or informed enough to take advantage of some of the tools I found valuable.

I'm going to continue to provide valuable free resources and articles to the students of this blog as they try to improve their life too. And I'll continuously refer to you and me as students, because that's what brings us together here. We are both academics of life.

My promise to you is that I'll do my best to help you live a higher life, develop this blog into a tool you can use to find the answers to the important lessons they don't teach in school, and share all the value that has been added to my life through the study of personal development and self improvement.

With that said, you are encouraged to subscribe below to stay up-to-date and read this personal development blog regularly; and you'll be sure to grow with me!

Wishing you the absolute best,
"Inspired" Robin Alley
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing. That's why we recommend it daily."
    Zig Ziglar

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If you would like to contact me, please send an e-mail to:
inspinformation at gmail dot com

Last and certainly not least, thank you for visiting my personal development blog and taking the time to improve yourself and our community.

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