August 24, 2009

Anthony Robbins Should and Shoulds All Over Ourselves!

I was recently listening to the esteemed and incredibly energetic Anthony (Tony) Robbins, and he said something both amusing, funny, and insightful. It's rare that you get all 3 at once from my experience. With that in mind, it's probably a strong reason as to why I remembered, and you will too, so well.

What he said was that people don't get their "shoulds". A lot (or all) of us say we "should do this" or we "should do that" but the truth of the matter is that we don't usually, if ever, achieve our shoulds. In his words, "we should all over ourselves!" Hah!

But as humorous as it is, how true is that for you? Take some time to think about it. Personally, I can't think of any should's I have completed. Rather, we get our needs, our must haves, or must do's. I can easily recall some of those that are done.

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