February 10, 2010

Krish Dhanam Quotes

If you haven't seen or heard of Krish Dhanam then you are flat-out missing out! He's an executive coach and very inspirational and motivational speaker. Having been mentored by the legendary Zig Ziglar you can be assured that Krish Dhanam is the real deal. I've watch all the Krish Dhanam videos I can find, and in this blog post I want to share some inspirational Krish Dhanam quotes that I came across.

As I always recommend, if one of these quotes really strikes a chord with you then write it down. Keep it on an index card and try to use it in your daily life. The more you PRACTICE this stuff and use these great quotes the more it all becomes a part of who you are, and it will create positive habits in your life.

Krish Dhanam Quotes on Life

Reaction is based on life's possibles, response is based on your permissibles.

Sometimes in the pursuit of fame and the search for significance and the desire for that elusive excellence we all remember the slaps and forget the kisses.

If you're happy, tell your face.

You are not responsible for your heritage, but you are accountable for your future.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, Here I am, Now what's my call?

Attitude Quotes Krish Dhanam

The message is clear: plan with attitude, prepare with aptitude, participate with servitude, receive with gratitude, and this should be enough to separate you from the multitudes.

Be all that you can be doing all that you can do.

Krish Dhanam Quotes on Success

Success is not who you are in relation to the person sitting next to you. Success is who you are in relation to where you began and what you began with.

For 8 hours of the day practice the skill that allows you tomake a living, but for 16 hours of the day practice the will that allows you to make a life.

97% of the people in this world operate in the comfort zone. 3% of the people in this world operate in the effective zone. The difference between comfort and effectiveness is called growth, and growth is uncomfortable.

A big shot is just a little shot that kept shooting.

We were so poor that we went to KFC to lick other people's fingers.

If you are at point A and want to get to point B, learn what it takes to be at point B while you are at point A.

If you have any of your own Krish Dhanam quotes please do share them in the comments field! This guy is a spectacular communicator! Also, if you'd like to share any of your thoughts about these Krish Dhanam quotes or the man himself please do leave your comments below. I try very hard to respond to each and every person who visits this blog.

To see more Krish read this earlier blog post with an inspirational Krish Dhanam video from a live seminar.
Krish Dhanam Video Goals, Inspiration, Motivation

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Anonymous said...

A comment I heard from Mr Dhanam just this week is: Be a Lion or a Lamb, but quit listening to the dag-gum rats!!

Inspired Robin said...

Anonymous, that's such a good quote! I am really glad you shared that with me. And the more I hear from Krish Dhanam the more I like him and the more firm I become in my belief that he really is something special.

Thank you so much for sharing with me and everyone else. If you happen to read this, I would really like to know where you heard him say this. Thank you again so much!

Melody Delzell said...

Hello, I saw Krish in Peoria yesterday 8-31-10. May I please see the poem you quoted about being a dad,after his coworkers beat him up and say he's a failure. Last line is something like "I know I'll be successful because I'm your dad."
Thank you. Melody Delzell mdelzell@marykay.com

Anonymous said...

Having heard Krish in Peoria also, I would like to have the entire quote from him regarding elevating mediocrity during his discussion of equality vs. fairness. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Had never heard of Krish Dhanam before. Heard him speak today. He is totally awesome!
a. If you woke up this morning in this (U.S.) country, you have already won.
b. Political correctness will be the death of this nation.
c. You will never find a truly happy person who never gives to others.
d. Offer praise to your inner circle (your family).
Thanks for this site. Molly

. said...

Thanks for bringing me here Robin! :)

As you know, I was so impressed with Krish Dhanam. He has a fantastic message to deliver and I feel honored to have sat in on one of his speeches!

Inspired Robin said...

Thanks so much for checking out my personal development blog Erin! Your Krish Dhanam blog post was very inspiring and helpful too!

With admirable students like yourself blogging about Dhanam, I'm sure he will become more well known. If he's anything like his teacher, Zig Ziglar, then we are all in for an amazing treat!

Thanks again for visiting and commenting!

Connie Love said...

I seen Krish Dhanam at the Get Motivated seminar in Birmingham, AL. today. The quote I really took to heart is "your career is what you are paid for, your purpose is what you are made for."

michaela said...

I want to know what the prayer he said was...something about what we were born to do?

Unknown said...

@ michaela:
He said, I am missing some parts, I want to learn that prayer too. I just saw him today in Portland. It goes something like this, "Lord Jesus Christ, something something, & forgive all my transgressions and guide me to the destiny you created me to be." I am not sure but these are the words I caught, and some perhaps are not right. Anyone, please correct as you remember until we get the whole prayer. Thanks!

Toby said...

I saw Krish yesterday at Get Motivated in Portland, OR (3/14/11). I had never heard of him, but he quickly became my favorite speaker. The quote that stuck with me the most is:
"Don't let there be a hole in your child's heart where your blessing should be."

Jayson said...

I seen him as well in Portland (3/14/11) He was one of my favorite speakers at the event! Very well spoken, love his quotes and best of all he recognizes Jesus as his God and gives Him all the credit. Thanks for sharing about your faith before lunch break!

traci said...


I saw him in Portland Oregon 3/14/11 and his prayer is "Lord, come into my life, forgive me for my past transgressions and transform me into the person you intend me to be."

So thankful to have heard him. His message still resonates with me and I look forward to hearing more.

Anonymous said...

I heard him in Memphis, TN, about 2 weeks ago. LOVED HIM!! One thing that stuck out was what he said about all the crime in our nation. He said "we will never be able to fix the crime in this nation until we fix the relationship between a man and his son." It all comes back to your upbringing or lack of.

Wendy said...

"Most people go through life asking 'tell me how, tell me how.' Pay attention to the 'why' and make your own how." And "anything worth doing is worth doing poorly until you can do it well."

Anonymous said...

I saw him June 29 at the Get Motivated seminar. he was the icing on the cake.

Anonymous said...

I saw him yesterday at Get Motivated in Los Angeles,and I thought he was the best speaker there, and couldn't stop writing things down.

Then he came bcak out a couple of hours later, and spoke again, and lost all credibility. He spent ten minutes talking about Jesus, and alientaed every non-Christian in the audeecne.

Anonymous said...

"A big shot is just a little shot that kept shooting." "Be all that you can be doing all that you can do." "Mirror, mirror on the wall, Here I am, Now what's my call?"

Inspired Robin said...

Fantastic! Thanks so much to everyone for helping to contribute these awesome Krish Dhanam quotes!

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