February 24, 2010

Tamara Lowe Quotes and Bio

Tamara Lowe bio

Who is Tamara Lowe? Well, Tamara Lowe is vice president of a huge company called "Get Motivated" that does motivational seminars around the country. I first heard about them last year on a radio commercial. It was really quite impressive really; names like Colin Powell, Zig Ziglar, Terry Bradshaw, and a few more.

Needless to say, I was interested and did a little Google research. Turns out there are a lot of mixed reviews. After reading about it (for too long) I came to the conclusion that some people will denounce even the best things, and people hungry to learn will learn from almost anything life has to offer. Personally, if I had the day available and a Get Motivated seminar came to town, I'd probably fork over the paltry 15-20 bucks it costs to get in. (It might be worth the cost of admission just to hear the infamous Tamara Lowe rap I hear so much about.) I'll just be sure take my lunch break when they try up-selling me to the super investors stock investing kit.

What you might not know about Tamara Lowe is that she is a former drug addict and dropout according to her web site at getmotivatedbook.com. She is also an author of a book called Get Motivated! which has pretty good reviews from Amazon.

(More about her book: Get Motivated!: Overcome Any Obstacle, Achieve Any Goal, and Accelerate Your Success with Motivational DNA)

Tamara Lowe Quotes

Winners take action, losers make excuses.

Tamara Lowe

Get past your past. Got a sad story? Stand in line! Are you going to blame everyone else for the rest of your life?

Tamara Lowe

Only 2 opinions matter in life: Yours and God's.

Tamara Lowe

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