September 12, 2010

7 Free Kindle ebooks!

The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it.
    James Bryce

Today we have an offer straight from Amazon for quite a few free ebooks! Like all the free offers I post, chances are this one won't last very long!

Listed below are some free ebooks for the Kindle that I came across randomly. I'm not sure how long the offer will last, so you'd better jump on it fast! And for free and easy, it doesn't take much effort either! Listed below are the free book titles and short descriptions. I hope you find some value in them!

Free Kindle eBooks:

It's tough, but true—the people you're trying to communicate with, sell to, or convince don't really care about you. Nor do they care what you're offering them—until they understand exactly how it'll benefit them. If you recognize that one hard, cold fact—and you know what to do about it—you'll make more money, achieve greater success, and even have more fun!

In this book, world-renowned sales consultant Mark Magnacca shows you how to answer the “So What?” question brilliantly, every time—no matter who's asking it or what you're trying to achieve. This book will transform the way you communicate: You'll use it every day to get what you want—in business and in life!

Social networks are no fad. They're a permanent reality: one that offers immense opportunities to smart, innovative businesses. Now, top social networking consultant Juliette Powell reveals how dozens of innovators are driving real ROI through social networks–and how you can, too.

Powell's wide-ranging research, including coverage on Barack Obama's successful online strategy in his bid for the presidency, focuses on technology, media and gaming companies, leaders in fashion, beauty, publishing, finance, retail, event planning, and beyond. These powerful narratives illuminate the reality of doing business on today's social networks as never before seen!

Do you have to be perfect to lead a healthy life? Ann Smith discusses how perfectionism may have benefits but is ultimately an obstacle to quality living as it prevents intimacy and lowers self-esteem. This book offers practical hints to letting go of your superhuman syndrome and being imperfect.

Deepak Chopra brings the Buddha back to life in this gripping New York Times bestselling novel about the young prince who abandoned his inheritance to discover his true calling. This iconic journey changed the world forever, and the truths revealed continue to influence every corner of the globe today. A young man in line for the throne is trapped in his father's kingdom and yearns for the outside world. Betrayed y those closest to him, Siddhartha abandons his palace and princely title. Face-to-face with his demons, he becomes a wandering monk and embarks on a spiritual fast that carries him to the brink of death.

Ultimately recognizing his inability to conquer his body and mind by sheer will, Siddhartha transcends his physical pain and achieves enlightenment. Although we recognize Buddha today as an icon of peace and serenity, his life story was a tumultuous and spellbinding affair filled with love and sex, murder and loss, struggle and surrender. From the rocky terrain of the material world to the summit of the spiritual one, Buddha captivates and inspires-ultimately leading us closer to understanding the true nature of life and ourselves.

Three full books of proven solutions for supercharging personal performance! Prepare for any audience, negotiation, or decision-compel attention and motivate action-manage anxiety or anger-use nonverbal communication-negotiate with people you love (or hate)-build (or repair) trust-make decisions with imperfect data-and much more!

How did the lumbering fast-food giant McDonald's cure its own sclerosis and become a newly lean, hungry competitor? Its comeback offers lessons for leaders everywhere in focusing on what their customers really want. For example, don't react to competitors, react to customers. When you broaden your market appeal, don't abandon your first customers. Don't skimp on product development.

Can you be trusted? Right now, someone is asking that question. If they decide to trust you, they'll work with you, care about you, open up to you…help you live a more successful, more fulfilled, happier life. If not, you're on your own…
Build the Strong Personal Credibility You Need to Live a Truly Great Life
*Learn the secrets of personal credibility that make trust possible
*Use the plan to earn trust and respect from those you encounter in your daily life
*Enable others to have confidence in you by following the 7 easy steps
*Follow the Personal Credibility Factor's steps to repairing credibility when you've lost it

I would like to point out that these books are the for the very neat and useful Kindle ebook reader. I'm not sure if you can use any other devices to get these free offers. Have a great Sunday and read read read!

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Lyman Reed said...

Wow, thanks for sharing these! Interesting that I'm working on an article on perfectionism, and the Ann Smith book is one of the selections.

Inspired Robin said...

Lyman, thanks for reading and I'm so glad I could help you out! Now you can pay it forward and offer it to more people.

Thanks again for checking out my personal development blog!

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