June 5, 2010

How to Make More Money - Jim Rohn Video

You may be asking yourself, "Why arent I making more money?" Personal development superstar Jim Rohn has a blunt response to that: You aren't very valuable to the MARKETPLACE! He'll expound on that in the video.

As you'll see in this brief Jim Rohn video he succinctly answers the question, how do you get more money? Some people strike, some people coast, and some people climb the proverbial ladder of success. One of my favorite Jim Rohn quotes says "You cant get rich by demand." I like that, but I also favor a capitalistic economy. I actually own this entire, fantastic seminar on DVD; the video in this blog is an excerpt from Jim Rohn's How to Have Your Best Year Ever.

Become more valuable

The short answer to getting paid more, moving up that ladder of success, and achieving your goals is to become more valuable. Values you can improve include just about anything: sales, communication, accounting, marketing, leadership, persuasion, recruiting and especially your attitude.

Another great idea from this Jim Rohn seminar is when he talks about waiting for raises or people who just hope for a raise. He boldly proclaims that it's easier to climb than to wait for a raise! And here's an interesting question to ask yourself if you're still on the fence as far as working harder on yourself or waiting: Why not become more valuable than wait for a raise?

How did Jim Rohn go from being broke working as a Sears cashier to being worth millions? His simple answer: "I changed. I turned my life around."

"Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job."

The secret is to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. This is one of Jim Rohn's quotes that really effected my life and my decisions in daily life. It really is one of those rare quotes that has the ability to easily change your life... if you adopt it as part of your own philosophy. When it comes right down to it, it's actually pretty simple on how to raise your value in the marketplace.

Jim Rohn video clip from "How to Have Your Best Year Ever"

This Jim Rohn video clip is from my favorite DVD How to Have Your Best Year Ever. And when I say my favorite DVD that's an unconditional statement -- this is actually my favorite DVD. Maybe that means I'm a tiny bit nerdy, but I can credit this single Jim Rohn DVD to changing a lot in my life, especially my views and philosophy on some important topics in life. It's that rare DVD that after watching I can say for absolute certainty that my life is better! How many videos can you say that about?

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steve said...

Jim Rohn is my hero! The only legal way to become rich is to become valuable to the marketplace! A men!

Robin said...

Absolutely Steve... Well we could say the only way to become rich for ALMOST everyone is to become more valuable to the marketplace.

As you know, from listening to Jim Rohn audio books a lot of people count on that "short list" to hit success -- winning the lottery, inheriting a fortune, etc. Lots of people will bank on that but we've got to be smarter than that!

Thanks for reading the blog!

Unknown said...

Jim Rohn is my hero too.
I am so sorry that we lost him in 2009.
He had to much valuable stuff to teach us.

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