January 26, 2010

Are You Looking For Some Good Happy News?

Happy girl smilingIn my experience, self improvement guru's and teachers across the board denounce taking a daily dose of the news. Whether it be watching the morning news on tv or reading the headlines of the day's paper, it is almost a guaranteed bet that it is negative... and that's an understatement. In fact, I remember hearing Og Mandino say the last thing you want to do when you're feeling depressed is to read the news, because then you'll just feel like crawling right back into bed!

This is actually one of the reasons why reading a daily inspirational or motivational blog like this is so valuable. It fills your mind with positive messages, builds your self esteem, raises your self confidence, and if you read some inspirational words it in the morning then it's a positive start to your day. There just isn't enough positivity in this world unless you expose yourself to it. For whatever reason, much of the media world prefers to feed the masses with pitfalls, scandal, depression and suffering.

So, first of all, continue reading this blog for daily inspiration and fun articles that will help you become the person you desire to be! Next, if you want a dose of news and some extra inspiring stories then browse on over to Happy News at http://www.happynews.com . Their slogan reads "Real news. Compelling Stories. Always positive." It positively is quite refreshing to see good news, isn't it?

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