December 6, 2009

We sincerely thank you for everything Jim Rohn.

The incredible man and human being, Jim Rohn, passed away on December 5th, 2009. I can firmly say that Jim Rohn's teachings have been the most influential on my life in the last year to 15 months in which I have begun the life change process. His incredible philosophy, simple ideas, and profound insights are truly some of the best items in this world that our minds can be exposed to.

I will continue to study his teachings, learn from him, and apply these things to my life and expose other willing minds to them as well. I want to sincerely thank Jim Rohn for giving so much to so many people, and I wish him and his family and friends all the best possible. God bless you!

You can view his web site and tribute here for more information here:
Jim Rohn Tribute

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