November 1, 2009

The Greatest Salesman In The World - Life Skills Beyond Merely Sales

The Greatest Salesman In The World is a widely acclaimed book by Og Mandino. Now, before I start this post much more, I should point out that I heard of this book before - several times. Quite frankly, I superficially read the title and made just about enough judgments about the book based solely on the title that I thought I was simply not interested.

Unfortunately for me, I heeded that superficial "once-over" when it came to this inspirational book. It is so much more than a book on sales or marketing. It is an ancient parable about skills for life, skills for building confidence, and lessons for everyone as opposed to merely people in sales or marketing.

Anyways, I just started listening to the audio version and I certainly like it so far. As hinted at before, it is in the form of a story in ancient times with a young apprentice being taught from secret scrolls with a life lesson on each one. I would definitely share this easy-to-read, yet inspirational book with any friend.

Here is one powerful quote from Og Mandino's, The Greatest Salesman In The World:

"Failure will never overtake you if your determination to succeed is strong enough."

If you have not yet read this book, pick it up! Whether you're a salesman or not the book will resonate with you. In the past, I never bothered because I thought it was just for salesmen. Don't make the same mistake I did.

The Greatest Salesman in the World: Gift Edition
More quotes and excerpts from The Greatest Salesman In The World

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