May 24, 2009

Introvert Advantage? Handling Introverted Tendencies and Getting Noticed

The following are a few intriguing excerpts and quotes from a short book I am reading which is the Successful Introvert by Wendy Gelberg. Overall, this book is really beneficial for introverts in the workplace, how to advance your career, and generally how to make your introversion work for you and use it to your advantage. It really does offer some good information, and it's also short and to the point. Read these book quotes and get a glimpse!

Nancy Loderick, Internet strategist and efficiency expert:
“In B-school, I remember thinking I’m not going to say something, it sounds stupid, but then the man next to me says it, and it’s a wonderful idea. I could have said that! It’s the same thing in a meeting. I used to think if you keep your head down and do a good job, you’ll get recognized. It doesn’t work that way.


Introverts at work

Jay, a college professor had this to say about introverted people:
“One thing I tell my class is that introverts are likely to come back with more information—don’t think they weren’t paying attention. I tell those who aren’t introverts to understand that, and those that are that it doesn’t hurt to make that explicit, alert your work group that (a) you’re unlikely to, won’t be the highest participator in terms of words spoken per person and (b) you often need time to go off and think about it and come back. You might set a norm that we don’t make decisions until the second meeting and have patience for people.”

Another great tip was, “Find someone who’s an extravert who can lead the way for you.”

Introverts in the workplace

And useful advice on handling interruptive coworkers:
If someone is noisy or chatty with or around me, I can be or look very busy. Or, I can say, ‘I want to talk more about his later, I need to catch up on some work today.’

Networking for introverts and marketing yourself

 Murray A. Mann, CCM, CPBS, Principal of Global Diversity Solutions Group, LLC:
“I’ve developed the habit, if I don’t want to go [to a networking function], I tell myself that this is what business is all about. Just doing it and not being visible, establishing the credibility—the presence was important. I could be credible in my research but I couldn’t be successful without
creating the visibility. So I just had to do it.”

“I think about: What do I need to accomplish for the project that I’m working on or for the issue I’m passionate about. It’s never about me. And that’s what made it palatable.”

Closing remarks

I would really recommend this book for anyone who considers themselves an introvert and wants to overcome some of the obstacles. But really, one of the greatest things in the book also is how to use your introversion as an advantageous tool. It could certainly help anyone learn how to interact with other introverts at work as well. Here's a link for Wendy Gelberg's book:
The Successful Introvert: How to Enhance Your Job Search and Advance Your Career

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Nancy Loderick said...

Hi there, Nancy Loderick here. Thanks for showing my quote from the book, "Successful Introvert." I keep thinking if only I had known that I should speak up more and market myself more, earlier in my career, things would have been very different. Oh well, knowledge and experience comes with age I guess.

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